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What is an Indigo?
What are some Characteristics?
Indigo Adults
Indigo Children
What are you feeling?
What if another sense exists?

Donna's Story. . .and thoughts

Where do I start?  That is a good questions, because it has been a complicated life.  I'm 45 years old, which makes me a little unusual, because there are many Indigo children and few Indigo adults. 

I will start out telling you what life was like for me as a child and then what life is like for me now. 

My childhood was pretty traumatic.  I think it is because I needed to learn some hard lessons that couldn't be taught any other way.  Life "is" so that we can learn lessons and grow. . .that is how we glorify God.  We are all children in the process of growing and changing. 

My Mom said that I was unusual right from the start.   My Mom used to have people stop her in the store when I was under one, and ask her increduluously how old I was.  Though I don't remember it, they say I was talking in full sentances and singing full songs. 

The memories I have of my childhood were that of being alone and misunderstood.  I always knew things that the people around me didn't know or didn't pick up on.  On the flip side, I missed many things that everyone did seem to know.  I never fit in with my peers. . .and seemed to make a lot of social mistakes.  I always had a feeling of agitation.  Every day that I walked up the stairs to Central Elementary I had a stomach ache because I knew what I would face.  It was bad enough to make me want to vomit and I had severe headaches from the stress.  The things that my teachers taught were pretty irrelevant when there were larger issues looming over head.  They were teaching things like finger plays of "Little Bunny Foo-Foo", while my mind was off obsessed with doing something of greater good for the planet.  And on top of that I could feel every negative energy from everyone in the class. . .and I had no way of filtering it or getting away from it. 

So the feelings of helplessness of being limited or stuck in an impotent system, with teachers who were stuck in teaching routine irrelevant things seemed endless and left me with little escape, purpose, helpless, depression. 

There was so much sensory wise that was coming at me that my whole mind and body closed down.  I had stomach problems and nervousness that lead to eventual surgery.